Listener Questions: Loose Ends

Hey team, this week we’ve got a listener question:

"My name is Mike and I have a question about wrapping things up. I have a really difficult time on the last lap of projects, or sometimes there is like a secret lap after what I thought was the last lap, which, you know, sometimes depending on the project includes like sending thank you notes or thank you emails or a bunch of stuff where I sort of feel like I already spent all of the dopamine and executive function of the rewards of a project. And then once I sort of feel like I reached that finish line, I realized there are a bunch of little loose ends that need tidying and I have a really hard time getting to them cuz it feels like it's over. Okay. Thank you very much."

Hey, Mike, thanks for the question; I’m sure this is something that a lot of people deal with, I know I certainly do. It can feel incredibly disheartening to finish a task and then find out that, oh wait, there’s just a little bit more to do.

In today’s episode, we’ll be looking at how we can clean up some of these loose ends and also how we can avoid getting into some of these situations.




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