ADHD and the Fawn Response

Hey team,

Recently when I was talking with my therapist, they mentioned that it seemed like I would frequently go into the fawn response - I was a little taken aback by this because while I felt like I’d heard of the fawn response before, it wasn’t something I was familiar with, or even could even particularly put my finger on what it was.

Fortunately for me, I run a podcast where I can dive into topics and gleam a bit more understanding about things I’m interested in.

While most of us have probably heard of the fear responses of fight, flight and freeze, there is also a forth response known as fawning. In today’s episode we’re going to be looking at all the fear responses as well as looking at how we can start working on better controlling those responses.

This Episode’s Top Tips

  1. When faced with a threat, our body's automatic response can be fight, flight, freeze, or fawn. 

  2. Fawning behavior is a trauma response that involves people-pleasing to avoid abuse. People-pleasing can become a problem when it is done compulsively and to the detriment of one's own self-interest. 

  3. It is important to be mindful of our emotions and identify when we are in a fear response. While fear is a healthy emotion that can help protect us, we don't want it to control our actions. 4. Identifying and acknowledging our emotions can be helpful, and seeking therapy can also be beneficial. 


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