Personal Energy Management

Today we're going to be hitting on an idea that has been a reoccurring theme in the last few episodes and that's personal energy management.

While many of us have realized that we only have so much time in our day, we tend to still believe that we're going to have the same amount of energy from sun up to sundown. But we know this isn't true. Our energy levels vary throughout the day and if we want to be getting the most out of our days we have to try and work with these rhythms of energy.

Today we're going to be discussing how we can work on creating our schedules around when we do have energy instead of just when we've got a free spot on the calendar. We'll be looking at some of the different areas of energy management as well as how our energy levels fluctuate throughout the day. And we'll also spend a little time on how you can make a little more energy.

This Episode’s Top Tip

  1. Energy management is about realizing it's not just about how many hours you have in the day, but also how much energy you've got during the day.

  2. Your energy levels are going to fluctuate up and down throughout the day, and if you want to get the most out of your schedule try scheduling your most important tasks during your high energy times, preferably early in the day.

  3. Limit your commitments so that you have enough time to work on the projects that are important to you.

  4. If you're low on energy try having some water or a healthy snack - you can also try change your state by listening to some music or going on a short walk.

Mentioned in this Episode

Episode 2: Timing Your Day

Episodes in this Series

Personal Energy Management

Physical Energy

Mental Energy

Emotional Energy

Spiritual Energy


Energy Management: Physical Energy


Taking Breaks