Media Kit
About the Show
Hacking Your ADHD is a short form podcast focused on creating actionable information that people can use to help manage Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Each episode is approximately 15 minutes in length and is packed with information on how to work with your ADHD instead of against it.
Who the Show is For
Hacking Your ADHD is for anyone with ADHD or those who have someone with ADHD in their family. The primary audience also includes adults who were late-diagnosed with ADHD. The focus of the show is to create short episodes with actionable advice on how to manage ADHD.
Release Schedule
New episodes are released every Monday at 5 AM Eastern, 2 AM Pacific.
About the Host
William Curb is a late diagnosed ADHDer who holds a B.A. in English from the University of Puget Sound. William has held down a number of different jobs, including in real estate and working as the Operations Manager for a professional ultimate frisbee team (The Portland Stags). Frustrated with the abundance of information on ADHD but lack of any way to put it into action, William decided to start his own podcast to help remedy the situation.
Downloads per Episode (first 30 days of life)
Total Downloads
Over 7 Million (as of October 2024)
Top 50 Mental Health Podcast - Apple Podcasts: United States
Breakdown of Listeners by Gender
Breakdown of Listeners by Age
0-17 <1%
18 - 22 9%
23 - 27 25%
28 - 34 35%
35 - 44 20%
45 - 59 9%
60+ 1%
T. A. Fields , 09/17/2022
Very Helpful + Easy to Binge Out!
I like that these podcasts are quick and to the point. I am a new listener to the show and I look forward to listening to every episode from the 1st episode up to the current episode. Thanks for putting these together. Super helpful!
Chicago ADHD , 08/08/2022
Extremely Relatable and Executed Wonderfully to Keep Me Engaged
I’ve listened to around 30 episodes and relate so much to the host’s experiences. Since the episodes are relatively short (less than 20 minutes), it’s easy for me to stay engaged and actually listen. There have been a few episodes that absolutely gutted me emotionally (in a good way) because for the first time, I felt validated in how I could feel like I’m trying so hard I could burn out, and others would insist I’m not trying hard enough.
Zurca88 , 06/23/2021
Valuable resource with those with (and without) ADHD
I was recently diagnosed with ADHD and this podcast has valuable and tactical information for me to implement into my day to day activities to be efficient, mindful and compassionate with my shortcoming associated with ADHD. Thank you for taking the time for creating such an insightful platform, keep up the great work!
Danoonz_peterson , 10/15/2020
Oh my goodness! I absolutely love this podcast! I have ADHD, and I’m 37 years old! This is the first podcast on ADHD that has really resonated with me. Thank you so much for putting this together! Outstanding work I can’t wait to keep listening! Thank you again!