William Curb William Curb

200 Episodes In: Reflecting on Podcasting with ADHD w/ Brendan Mahan

This week we’re celebrating a milestone for Hacking Your ADHD - 200 episodes… also 5 years of running the podcast. I honestly don’t know exactly what to say about how far this podcast has come. It’s been an incredible run so far and I have a lot of plans for the future as well, which, honestly is a little scary, but also exciting that even with ADHD I’m sticking with it.

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William Curb William Curb

How to Perform a Weekly Review

This week we’re talking about our weeks and how we can get more out of them with a weekly review. The idea behind a weekly review is to look back on how things went and use that to help us figure out how we want our next week to go.

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William Curb William Curb

Energy Management: Emotional Energy

Emotional Energy isn't as cut and dry as physical energy - there are no emotional calories that we can track and measure. And while there is no scientific delineation of how to measure emotional energy it’s still something that we can all feel - we're not robots. We know that when we're feeling those positive emotions that sometimes we can barely contain the energy we're feeling - when we're seething with rage it can feel like we're going to burst. When we're sad it can feel like we want to melt into our beds and never be seen again. When we're overstressed it can feel like if we don't do something our skin is going to crawl off but even the idea of attempting that first step still feels like too much

Our emotions play a big role in our energy levels throughout the day. Just because we don't have a good way to measure them doesn't mean that we should write them off.

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William Curb William Curb

Looking Back on 2019 for a Great 2020

Before we get started on planning out how amazing our 2020 is going to be, it is important to look back and remember everything that we accomplished in 2019. An entire year is a long time to try and remember so we’re going to use some tools to help jog our memories before we really jump into reflecting on how the year went.

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William Curb William Curb

How to Journal Even When You Have ADHD

Starting a journaling practice isn't always easy and when you have ADHD it can be even harder. Finding time to sit down, stay focused on writing and then making it a daily practice can seem like a fairly daunting process.

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