Finding Your Groove with Joshua Greene
Accountability is one of the best ways to help you work through those things on your to do list that you just don’t want to do. But finding accountability isn’t always easy. In my conversation today, I’m talking with Joshua Greene, co-founder of the co-working app Groove.
Sleep Tools - Part 1
After last week’s episode on toolkits I got a request to do another episode like it but specifically on sleep tools.
Crafting Your ADHD Survival Kit with Maddy De Gabriele
In this episode we dive into specific tools that can become part of your everyday toolkit for managing your ADHD. We discuss timers, headphones, pillboxes, blankets and more in this episode. If you’ve been wanting an episode that goes into the actual tools that I and many others use in their day to day ADHD life, then this is the episode - Maddy brings the goods.
Listener Question: On Being Late
Being late sucks. So, in this episode, we tackle the struggle of showing up calm and composed when maybe we don’t feel calm and collected. We’ll be looking at a number of tools that we can use to try and get ourselves in the right head space, as well as jumping into what we can do so that we might not be late quite as often.
Confluence of Crafting Your ADHD Toolkit
In today’s episode, we’re tackling the complex reality of ADHD management. Forget about finding a silver bullet; it's about piecing together a puzzle of habits, routines, and strategies that work for you.
The Writer's Journey: ADHD, Fantasy, and Teaching with Terry Bartley
In today’s episode we are talking with Terry Bartley, the author of Tyranny of the Fey, host of the podcast Most Writers Are Fans, and a full-time English teacher. In our conversation today, Terry shares his journey as a writer, revealing how he channels his creativity while managing ADHD.
Mastering Calendars and Empowering Kids with Kim Nguyen
In this episode, we discuss the Skylight Calendar in depth. We delve into how we can use digital tools like the Skylight Calendar to help families create easier coordination and reduce the stress associated with scheduling. Kim shares her insights on distributing the mental load, empowering kids, and fostering confidence through structured scheduling and visual reminders.
Designing for Diversity with Helene Nørlem of Tiimo
This week we’re talking with co-founder of the productivity app Tiimo, Helene Nørlem. In our conversation today we discuss what Tiimo is and how it can help with planning, especially for the neurodivergent community.
Embracing Your Nervous System and Empowering with Your Inner Healer with María-Victoria Albina
In this episode, I talk with Maria-Victoria Albina and we delve into practical tools and empowering practices to support your journey toward wellness. We get started with some definitions and then navigate through self-care, boundaries, nervous system regulation, and so much more.
Using Our Tools
This week we’re going to be talking about using our tools but, more specifically, getting back into the habit after we’ve stopped using them.
Listener Questions: Doom Box Follow-Up
Hey team, welcome back to another questions and answers episode - today I am going to be giving a follow up to my episode about doom boxes and try and clear a few things up - I’m also going to be answering a question about what some of my favorite apps are for productivity and focus.
Digital Declutter: Too Many Tabs
Clearly, a lot of people use their browsers in a lot of different ways. Now one thing that was fairly apparent to me is that my more neurodiverse friends tended to be those people who had the most tabs open, although to be clear having too many tabs open isn't just a neurodiverse condition, anyone can easily find themselves overwhelmed by tabs.
Today we're going to be looking at why we tend to have so many tabs open and then some of the ways we can work on reducing that number.
Decluttering your Digital Life
Digital clutter is just all that stuff that builds upon our devices. It can have a real effect on our mental health and is something to be especially aware of with ADHD because it can create a lot of distractions.
Even More Automations
I think is the best benefit of setting up automations for our ADHD brains - we've only got so much executive function for the day and task switching can be such a drain on us. When we set up these automations we can make it so that instead of wasting our days doing little nit picky things, that we're actually focusing on the things that matter.
More Automations to Make Your Life Easier
In this week's episode we're going to focus on the money side of things and go into how we can use automation for our shopping and then also how we can use automations with our finances.
Automating Your ADHD Life
Whether we know it or not, all of us already use a lot of automation in our lives already. We often don't think of simple things like setting an alarm as an automated process, but it's a way we can externalize a reminder that will go off with no other input from us.
How To Create More Effective Reminders
When you've got ADHD making reminders is a given. There's just too much going on in any one given day for me to keep track of it all and without reminders I know I'm going to drop the ball somewhere. I've got reminders for big things like when I need to leave to pick up my kids from school and little things like having a cup of tea in the evening but not too close to bedtime.
Today we're going to be exploring the ways that we can make better reminders so that we're actually following through on them. We'll be looking at what we're creating reminders for. How and when we are getting those reminders and also look at how we are creating our system of reminders.
How to Make your Smart Phone ADHD Friendly (Part 2)
A few weeks ago I got a ping on my phone reminding me to take our trash bins out to the curb for pick up the next morning. As I was wheeling the bin out, I thought about how funny it was that I rarely miss a trash day, but that's only because I have reminders in my phone and calendar.
How to Make your Smart Phone ADHD Friendly (Part 1)
ADHD makes it really easy for us to get off track so we want to be making sure that we're not letting our phones dictate our next actions. Through trial and error phone designers have been making it harder and harder for us to put down our phone. Since we have ADHD this means that it is almost too easy for us to get distracted when we pop open our phone to just check the time.
Building Your Toolbox
ADHD can make it hard for us to work on our intentions. This is even harder when we forget the things that we want to do. When you are learning about new ADHD strategies while reading books or listening to podcasts (like this one!) it is really easy to forget your intention of implementing those strategies.