William Curb William Curb

Unapologetically ADHD with Nikki Kinzer and Pete Wright

In our conversation, we explore how their personal experiences and professional expertise in managing ADHD shine through in their work, providing both structure and understanding. Whether it’s tackling procrastination, enhancing organizational skills, or simply learning to partner with your ADHD, this episode is packed with practical advice and real-life strategies.

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William Curb William Curb

How to Perform a Weekly Review

This week we’re talking about our weeks and how we can get more out of them with a weekly review. The idea behind a weekly review is to look back on how things went and use that to help us figure out how we want our next week to go.

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William Curb William Curb

Listener Question: On Being Late

Being late sucks. So, in this episode, we tackle the struggle of showing up calm and composed when maybe we don’t feel calm and collected. We’ll be looking at a number of tools that we can use to try and get ourselves in the right head space, as well as jumping into what we can do so that we might not be late quite as often.

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William Curb William Curb

Utilizing the Planning Funnel with Skye Rapson

This week, we have the return of Skye Rapson of Unconventional Organization to discuss an innovative tool she developed, the Planning Funnel, which is designed to help us break down our goals into manageable steps.

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William Curb William Curb

Designing for Diversity with Helene Nørlem of Tiimo

This week we’re talking with co-founder of the productivity app Tiimo, Helene Nørlem. In our conversation today we discuss what Tiimo is and how it can help with planning, especially for the neurodivergent community.

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William Curb William Curb

Slowing Down: Task Management (Memory)

Hey team, this week we’re going to keep up our discussion of slowing down, but we’re going to be focusing on memory - well, kind of. With ADHD, it can be hard for us to remember all of the things that we need to do, so what comes into play is the good old to-do list.

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William Curb William Curb

Slowing Down: Time Management

We live a life where we only have two modes, doing nothing and super speed. It’s exhausting, and we often find ourselves missing important things because we can’t keep up that pace.

In today’s episode, we’re going to be talking about how we can work on slowing down and trying to find a more comfortable middle ground between those two modes.

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William Curb William Curb

Important But Not Urgent (IBNU)

With ADHD we tend to like to go fast with things; we don’t want to wait around. But that’s usually not actually our best strategy. Going from one urgent task to the next can keep us motivated, but it can make it hard to get to anything that isn’t urgent.

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William Curb William Curb


I’m excited to get going into 2023, but I also don’t want to just be doing everything by the seat of my pants, so it’s time to do a little planning and think about how we want this year to go.

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William Curb William Curb

Understanding Nutrition and ADHD with Aleta Storch

This week I’m talking with Aleta Storch of Wise Heart Nutrition, a small nutrition practice made up of three neurodivergent-affirming dietitians. She is a Registered Dietitian, Licensed Therapist, and a Body Trust Provider.

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William Curb William Curb

Three Years of Hacking Your ADHD

For this year's anniversary episode I decided that I’d take a look back at some of the things I’ve learned about ADHD over the last three years. I’m going to cover some of the a-ha’s and misinformation that I’ve had and seen - as well, I’ll be looking at how my views on trying to be neurotypical have changed and some of the ways I’ve learned to better embrace my ADHD. And of course I just want to mention that this episode is just touching on this topic of what I’ve learned because, well, it’s been a lot.

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William Curb William Curb

Too Much

Over the last few weeks I have hit a number of points where it all just felt like too much - now there are number things that have contributed to this, but one of the keys always behind when I get overwhelmed is doing too much. This is despite the fact that even when I have too much on my plate it always feels like I should be doing more. That I could squeeze in just a few more things and then… well then I’d probably also still be trying to add more things to do.

In today’s episode we’re going to be exploring why doing more isn’t usually the best thing for us to pursue and how doing less can actually help us actually accomplish the things we really want to d

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William Curb William Curb

Get Ready for Spring with Seasonal Planning

One of the ideas that I’ve been playing with lately is how to go about my planning in a more natural way or perhaps a better phrase would be functional, because while I love the idea of planning it doesn’t always work out how I want to it to. And it dawned on me that one of the ways I could adjust this planning was to focus that planning that was seasonal - because with each season there are definite changes in how I go about my life. And so today we’re going to be exploring how we can look at planning with those seasonal changes in mind.

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William Curb William Curb

A Question Worth Asking

In a lot of my episodes, I have touted the virtue of asking questions - this is something that is embedded deeply in my philosophy. When we engage ourselves and others with curiosity we are able to solve problems more quickly and with better answers.

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William Curb William Curb

Waiting for Inspiration

One of the easiest ways for procrastination to creep into our lives is through the thought that we just need to wait to do something until we feel like doing it. I totally get this. I feel this way all the time - it's super easy to put something off because we don't feel like doing it right then.

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William Curb William Curb

How to Plan Your Day

Today we're going to focus on how to plan our day because it's easy to let our days get away from ourselves when we don't plan them. It feels like we shouldn't need to do our planning because that's what we were going to do anyway. But planning lets us look ahead and fix problems before they come up. It lets us choose what we want to do with our time instead of just always putting out fires.

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William Curb William Curb

Get Going with a Fresh Start

In just one more month we're going to be coming up on the halfway point of 2021 — I know, I have no idea how it got here either.

But with this mark in time we're starting to see a shift going on - while COVID certainly isn't a thing of the past, the vaccine role out has opened up a lot of possibilities for what we want our future to look like.

At the end of 2020, I did some planning for 2021, but I knew that a lot of it was going to be uncertain so I didn't make too many specific plans. But now that I'm getting a better grasp of what the future might hold — although let's be honest, with ADHD we're always going to have a lot of uncertainty — I felt like it was time to go over those plans again and maybe give myself a fresh start.

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