William Curb William Curb

Emotional Regulation

Hey team, this week we’re getting emotional and talking about the relationship between ADHD and our emotions. While emotional dysregulation isn’t part of the diagnostic criteria for ADHD, some studies have found that 70% of adults with ADHD exhibit emotional dysregulation.

In this episode, we’ll get into why it isn’t part of the diagnosis, as well as examine what emotional regulation is and what we can do to help ourselves keep our cool a little bit better.

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William Curb William Curb

Coping with your ADHD

Hey team, this week we’re talking about coping - our ability to cope with stressful situations but more specifically, how we can work on coping with our ADHD. When we’re coping with something, we’re trying to figure our way through a tough situation. When we’re trying to cope with our ADHD, it is often less about our emotional response (although that is important too) and how we’re using our problem-solving skills to alleviate some of our ADHD mishaps.

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William Curb William Curb

Three Years of Hacking Your ADHD

For this year's anniversary episode I decided that I’d take a look back at some of the things I’ve learned about ADHD over the last three years. I’m going to cover some of the a-ha’s and misinformation that I’ve had and seen - as well, I’ll be looking at how my views on trying to be neurotypical have changed and some of the ways I’ve learned to better embrace my ADHD. And of course I just want to mention that this episode is just touching on this topic of what I’ve learned because, well, it’s been a lot.

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William Curb William Curb

Getting Started With Your ADHD Management Part 2

As I was finishing up my Getting Started episode I realized that if I had been talking to someone I’d also still have a ton of questions and feel like that episode really didn’t answer anything for me. Or rather I think I’d have felt like it didn’t answer the question I thought I had asked. Now to be fair to past me, while, yes, I kind of did that, but also when we’re talking about where to get started with our ADHD management we really don’t know those things but nonetheless those are really important things for us to hear.

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William Curb William Curb

Brainworx with Alma Galvan and Bob Dietrich

Hey team, in today’s episode, I’m talking with Alma Galvan and Bob Dietrich - Alma is a neural researcher and Certified Brain Gym instructor, Bob Bob Dietrich is an award-winning public speaker, event producer, and entrepreneur, and together they run Brainworx, an educational program that teaches adults and children how to help manage anxiety, behavior, and improve focus through simple, scientifically-proven techniques.

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William Curb William Curb

Too Much

Over the last few weeks I have hit a number of points where it all just felt like too much - now there are number things that have contributed to this, but one of the keys always behind when I get overwhelmed is doing too much. This is despite the fact that even when I have too much on my plate it always feels like I should be doing more. That I could squeeze in just a few more things and then… well then I’d probably also still be trying to add more things to do.

In today’s episode we’re going to be exploring why doing more isn’t usually the best thing for us to pursue and how doing less can actually help us actually accomplish the things we really want to d

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William Curb William Curb

Unconventional Organisation with Skye Rapson

Hey team, today I’m walking with Skye Rapson of Unconventional Organisation, a New Zealand-based coaching group that specializes in online coaching. They focus on providing research-backed and strengths-based ADHD support to help you get unstuck in your life.

In our conversation, we cover a lot of different areas, including one that I’ve really been interested in recently, systems. We get into what systems are and how important it is to tailor these systems to our own ADHD and then how we can even do that.

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William Curb William Curb

ADHD Success with MJ

This week I had the pleasure of talking with MJ Siemens from the ADHD Diversified Podcast and what a conversation we had. In it, we talk a lot about the imposter syndrome that often accompanies success with ADHD and why we often don’t feel successful despite hitting all those metrics we were supposed to. We also talk a lot about how we can work on reframing our views on success so that we can feel good about all those things we accomplish.

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William Curb William Curb


Self-diagnosis has become a hot-button topic in the mental health world as social media has ramped up many people’s awareness of many of these conditions. But how valid is that self-diagnosis? Some people argue it's dangerous while others argue that self-diagnosis is as valid as a formal diagnosis.

In today’s episode, we’re going to wade into this minefield and see what grains of truth we can pull out and where this tool is useful and where it isn’t.

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William Curb William Curb

Executive Function

One of the trickiest parts about executive function is that there isn’t a universally accepted model of executive functions - I know that feels kind of surprising because it seems like something that is talked about as much as executive functions is that we’d have something that is generally agreed upon. So for this episode, we’re going to be focusing on Russell Barkley’s self-regulation model - although I’ll certainly be pulling from other sources as well.

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William Curb William Curb

Listener Questions: Doom Box Follow-Up

Hey team, welcome back to another questions and answers episode - today I am going to be giving a follow up to my episode about doom boxes and try and clear a few things up - I’m also going to be answering a question about what some of my favorite apps are for productivity and focus.

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William Curb William Curb

Building Mindset and Fitness with Karen Broda

In this week’s episode, I’m talking with Karen Broda, a Personal Trainer & Wellness Coach who helps ADHD-ers look & feel good naked! In our conversation today we discuss the importance of mindset, some of the ways we can reframe our views on exercise, and we also get into how we can set up systems that will keep us exercising even on those days when we don’t want to.

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William Curb William Curb

Get Ready for Spring with Seasonal Planning

One of the ideas that I’ve been playing with lately is how to go about my planning in a more natural way or perhaps a better phrase would be functional, because while I love the idea of planning it doesn’t always work out how I want to it to. And it dawned on me that one of the ways I could adjust this planning was to focus that planning that was seasonal - because with each season there are definite changes in how I go about my life. And so today we’re going to be exploring how we can look at planning with those seasonal changes in mind.

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William Curb William Curb

Listener Question: Doom Boxes

In this week’s episode we’re going to be diving into a listener question about cleaning and specifically about doom boxes - and if you don’t know what those are don’t worry you’ll find out soon enough... and I’m sure you probably already have some around that house.

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William Curb William Curb

How to Handle Low Capacity Days

In today’s episode, we’re going to be exploring this idea of capacity and how it can impact our ability to get anything done. We be looking at what we can do on these days and how we can actually use them to help ourselves to recover.

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William Curb William Curb

Your Brain's Not Broken with Dr. Tamara Rosier

In this episode, I interview Dr. Tamara Rosier, who is an ADHD coach and runs the ADHD Center of West Michigan. In this interview, we talk about her book Your Brain’s Not Broken: Strategies for Navigating Your Emotions and Life with ADHD.

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William Curb William Curb

How to do Hard Things - Part 3

I’ve often thought to myself how nice it would be to able to skip the hard parts of some things - to just arrive at my goals. But unfortunately, there are some problems with this idea.

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