How to do Hard Things - Part 2
One of the refrains on this podcast is the idea that we can do hard things. This is a saying, I picked up from Eric Tivers of ADHD reWired, and I think it's important to remind ourselves of that frequently. We can do hard things. Just because something is hard doesn't mean it's no longer in our wheelhouse.
How to do Hard Things - Part 1
One of my favorite sayings from Brendan Mahan of the ADHD Essentials podcast is that ADHD is life on Hard Mode.
The executive dysfunction that comes with ADHD makes everything just a little bit more difficult. From doing the dishes to filling out tax returns we find ourselves needing to put in more effort than our neurotypical peers.
But what’s important for us to remember is that while these things can absolutely be harder for us to do, it doesn’t mean it’s impossible.
Today we’re going to be exploring this idea of doing hard things - what makes something difficult and how we can work on moving ourselves through that process.
The Power of Accountability with Sharon Pope of Shelpful
In this episode I'm talking with the CEO and founder of the company Shelpful, Sharon Pope - we've all had times when we needed a little help getting ourselves to follow a routine and sometimes we don't have the accountability in our lives to make that happen. Shelpful is all about solving that problem of getting that daily accountability. The program works through text messaging but you know what, I'm getting ahead of myself - this is all in the interview.
The Dog and The Dragon
As I’m getting ready to head into the holidays I thought I’d deliver you something a bit different in your podcast player - a story. I don’t want to give anything away so get snuggled in and prepare yourself for The Dog and The Dragon by Brandon Sanderson.
Caffeine Deep Dive
Trimethylxanthine is the world's most popular psychoactive drug - for many caffeine is such a ubiquitous substance that calling it a drug seems like a misnomer. How could something so widely used that has so few regulations around it be a drug? But a drug is simply a chemical substance that affects our nervous system function and can result in changes to our perception, mood, cognition, and behavior. I feel like caffeine ticks the box pretty well on all those accounts.
Comorbidity and Depression
Today we'll be looking at comorbidities can effect ADHD, take a closer look at depression and then talk about way that they can interact and we can work on treating them.
A Question Worth Asking
In a lot of my episodes, I have touted the virtue of asking questions - this is something that is embedded deeply in my philosophy. When we engage ourselves and others with curiosity we are able to solve problems more quickly and with better answers.
Listener Questions - Procrastination and Taking Breaks
In this episode, we tackle two listener questions.
Coaching for your Brain with Dr. Norrine Russell
This week I am talking with Dr. Norrine Russell of Russell Coaching - Dr. Russell has a Pd.D. from Bowling Green State University with a focus on psychology and education and began her ADHD coaching practice in 2009. In our conversation today, we talk about what you can expect to get out of coaching, how we can work on working with our brains, and ways we can help our kids with ADHD.
Waiting for Inspiration
One of the easiest ways for procrastination to creep into our lives is through the thought that we just need to wait to do something until we feel like doing it. I totally get this. I feel this way all the time - it's super easy to put something off because we don't feel like doing it right then.
How to Plan Your Day
Today we're going to focus on how to plan our day because it's easy to let our days get away from ourselves when we don't plan them. It feels like we shouldn't need to do our planning because that's what we were going to do anyway. But planning lets us look ahead and fix problems before they come up. It lets us choose what we want to do with our time instead of just always putting out fires.
The Myth of Lazy
When we don't do something it's easy to label it as lazy, but often that doesn't tell us what was really going on.
Today we're going to be exploring the idea of lazy and how what we might want to start looking at it a bit differently.
Why We Make Decisions We Don't Understand
Today we're going to be exploring the hot-cold empathy gap and why it can be so difficult for us to predict what we're actually going to do in the moment.
The Trap of Low Quality Leisure Time
In this week's episode, we're going to be looking at how we can work on reframing the ways we look at our free time, how we can be a little more intentional with how we're spending that time, and then look at a few of the things we can do to make that time, time well spent.
Celebrating Your Wins
Recently I was at practice for my master's ultimate frisbee team and I was thinking about this question of celebrating wins and it occurred to me how perfectly sports can encapsulate the idea of celebrating small wins.
Meeting Yourself Where You're At
Everyone has a list of things they know that they should be starting on now because the sooner the better results you'll see down the line. But we're not starting on them... or when we do we don't stick with the changes.
Today we're going to be looking at what it means to meet ourselves where we're at and then some of the ways that we can work on making that happen.
Five Frameworks to Build Powerful Goals
Last week dove into how goals work and science behind them - now we're going to be taking all of that and looking at how we can better create our goals through simple frameworks. A lot of these frameworks come from a business setting, but with a little tweaking, we can absolutely make them work for personal use as well.
Today we're going to be looking at a few of the different frameworks we can use for our goal setting as well as hitting the why behind setting those goals.
Freshening Up Your Goals
When we think about goals there's a ton of different ways to think about them, but at their basics, a goal is simply a future result that you are directing your effort. Now there are a lot of different ways that we can go about setting those goals and we'll get into that more next week when I go through some of the various frameworks. But before we get into those frameworks it's important to understand how goals actually work and why we even want to set them.
Fresh Start: The Deep Clean
Today I'll be exploring the benefits of cleaning, how we can update our space, some tips on accountability and then get into a few of the specific things that you can do.
Get Going with a Fresh Start
In just one more month we're going to be coming up on the halfway point of 2021 — I know, I have no idea how it got here either.
But with this mark in time we're starting to see a shift going on - while COVID certainly isn't a thing of the past, the vaccine role out has opened up a lot of possibilities for what we want our future to look like.
At the end of 2020, I did some planning for 2021, but I knew that a lot of it was going to be uncertain so I didn't make too many specific plans. But now that I'm getting a better grasp of what the future might hold — although let's be honest, with ADHD we're always going to have a lot of uncertainty — I felt like it was time to go over those plans again and maybe give myself a fresh start.