Q&A: Writing Past the Hard Parts

In today's episode we'll be looking at some ways to get into writing easier, how to address the difficult parts we find in the middle of projects, and also some ways that we can stay on track.

This Episode’s Top Tips

  1. Use prewriting to focus your thoughts and to help build your momentum into writing so that you aren't relying so much on inspiration to keep working on your project.

  2. Create notes as you're writing so that you know what you were working on when you come back to it and to record ideas as they come to you so that you're not jumping around the page so much.

  3. You can't skip Day 2 - you've got to forge through the messy middle if you want to get to the other side. Knowing this ahead of time can help you plan on how to get through the hard parts.

  4. One of the most powerful ways you help get yourself through that messy middle is to find an accountability partner. Your accountability partner won't make your work easier, instead they just help provide perspective and let you see that you can actually do the things you want to do.

Mentioned in the Episode

Rising Strong by Brené Brown



Episode’s Mentioned


Give Yourself Some Slack: Self-Compassion (Part 1)


Give Yourself Some Slack: Perfectly Imperfect